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We are really anxious to get a representative sample of replies from across the Island and your help is securing this would be greatly appreciated.
You may have seen some publicity about the regeneration programme following our launch in July and you may also be aware of some of the larger proposals for development sites in various parts of the Island. We want to develop a regeneration strategy that isn’t just about the larger transformational projects but is informed by, and takes full account of, local needs and delivers local benefits for local people.
We therefore see town and parish councils as fundamentally important to helping inform the development of the strategy , hence our request for help with community engagement and gathering existing data.
The regeneration strategy, to be published in the spring, will contain area regeneration plans which will take account of the community engagement and the updated Island plan and these area regeneration plans will themselves be the subject of consultation.
If you have any queries or questions regarding the request for help please let me know and can I thank you in advance for you co-operation
Chris Ashman
Director of Regeneration
Isle of Wight Council | County Hall | Newport | Isle of Wight PO30 1UD
Tel: (01983) 821000 ext. 6275 or 07976009341 | Fax: (01983) 821000
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